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for our local social justice community.

Community News


Maryland disability advocates speak out against proposed $200 million service cut

By Tara Lynch Updated on: March 3, 2025 / 11:30 PM EST To watch video report, Click Here. With April and the state’s budget deadline looming, Maryland disability advocates went door…


Maryland disability advocates warn proposed $200 million budget cut imperils vital work

By Tara Lynch Updated on: February 9, 2025 / 11:13 PM EST To watch video report, Click Here. BALTIMORE — Programs that serve Marylanders with disabilities could lose $200 million in…


Western Maryland has become an abortion care haven for red state residents

Julie Scharper 1/7/2025 5:30 a.m. EST Across from a derelict dairy farm in far Western Maryland is a simple brick building marked with a white sign: Women’s Health Center. The center…


Baltimore Women’s March advocates enshrining reproductive rights in state constitution

By Hannah Gaskill | [email protected] UPDATED: September 20, 2024 at 11:32 a.m. More than 100 women gathered in the backroom at Checkerspot brewery Wednesday evening with three goals: to elect Democratic U.S. Senate nominee…


Can Local Universities Help Get More Social Workers in Maryland Schools?

Sarah True, The Baltimore Banner, Published 10/2/2023 5:30 a.m. EDT. When she was a kid, Bianca Collins was shy and flew under the radar. She was bullied about her appearance in elementary…


Despite High Funding, Baltimore City Schools Struggle with Alarmingly Low Math Scores: Who Will Take Action?

by Chris Papst, Fox45 News, Mon, October 2nd 2023, 9:30 PM CDT BALTIMORE (WBFF) — Baltimore City Public Schools has a $1.7 Billion budget. Per student, that’s one of the highest in…


At 13 Baltimore City high schools, zero students tested proficient on 2023 state math exam

By Chris Papst On September 18, 2023 The latest round of state test results is raising alarm in Baltimore City Schools. Project Baltimore found that 40% of Baltimore City high…

Howard County parents express concerns at Town Hall as schools shift schedules over bus issues

On September 19, 2023 Howard County parents have been banding together over a common cause—finding solutions to get students to and from school on time. School start times will shift…

Local Organizations

Black Arts District - An Arts and Entertainment district defined by Americans for the Arts as a “well-recognized, labeled, mixed-use area of the city in which a high concentration of arts and cultural facilities serve as the anchor attraction.”

Muse 360 Arts - Muse 360 Arts’ mission is to provide Baltimore youth of diverse backgrounds with high-quality arts education that inspires them to reach their full potential.

YouthWorks - Through YouthWorks, teens and young adults ages 14 to 21 receive summer jobs with private, nonprofit, and city and state government employers throughout Baltimore. The Virtual YouthWorks 2020 program operated July 13 to Aug. 14.

Expanding Boundaries International - Our mission is to tear down walls that keep disadvantaged youth blocked from opportunities to learn, develop, and empower themselves through technology and international education.

100 Black Men of Maryland - Dedicated to the uplift of the African American community through national umbrella services known as, “Mentoring the 100 Way Across a Lifetime.” A chapter of men striving to elevate the opportunities for our people through radical improvements in health, education and wealth.

Bmore Empowered - Bmore Empowered is a nonprofit dedicated to empowering women and girls of color through mindfulness and entrepreneurship. Our programming focuses on workshops, training and gatherings to support black and brown woman and girls in Baltimore City.

Glass Door Project Inc. - The Glass Door Project Inc. is a community-based program serving at-risk LGBTQ+ young adults by providing them with skills to lead healthy, productive lives. In addition to providing a community food bank, it also holds volunteer Sundays, performing community service each week.

Bloom Collective Baltimore - Bloom Collective is an organization that supports women who are pregnant or have just become new mothers. Through birthing and lactation classes, Bloom Collective works to approach childbearing with a holistic approach by providing wellness practitioners who can be an advocate for mothers during labor and first stages of parenthood.

Friends of Southeast Baltimore County - Friends of Southeast Baltimore County aims to educate and support the fight for social justice, to advocate for civil rights via policy reform, and to build up the Black community by working together to address and remove barriers to equity, equality, and access.

ROAR - The Rebuild, Overcome, and Rise Center at the University of Maryland, Baltimore provides services to victims of crime who live in and were victimized in Baltimore City. We specialize in serving survivors of human trafficking, intimate partner, sexual and/or gun violence. There is no obligation to have reported to the police, no income restrictions and no immigration-status restrictions.

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