Community News

Religious, civil rights groups accuse higher ed bill of racism
By Ethan Sanweiss On March 5, 2024 A petition opposing Indiana’s higher education bill says the bill will disproportionately harm faculty and students of color. Sixty-eight organizations in Indiana including religious, academic and civil…
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Local Organizations
P.A.C.E. (Public Advocates in Community Re-Entry) - Since 1968, PACE (formerly Offender Aid & Restoration) has been aiding in the successful transition of individuals who are released from incarceration back into their community. Ex-offender services include mental health and substance abuse counseling and group therapy, career and financial guidance, and education.
The Julian Center -The Julian Center is the largest organization supporting victims of domestic and sexual violence in the state of Indiana. They provide an enormous array of programs to heal, empower and protect more than 6,000 survivors annually.
Second Helpings - Second Helpings rescues prepared and perishable food from wholesalers, retailers and restaurants -- preventing unnecessary waste. That rescued food is used to create 3,500 hot, nutritious meals each day that are distributed to 70 social service agencies that feed people in need. The Second Helpings Culinary Job Training program trains disadvantaged adults for careers in the foodservice industry. This helps eliminate hunger at its source. More than 500 adults have graduated from this program, and Second Helpings alumni are now working in Central Indiana as cooks, executive chefs, business owners and culinary instructors. We're more than a soup kitchen or a food pantry - we're a community kitchen.
Little Red Door Cancer Agency - Little Red Door Cancer Agency reduces the physical, emotional, and financial burdens of cancer for medically underserved residents of central Indiana through direct services, navigation, and community outreach and education.
Christel House International - Founded in 1998, Christel House International works to help children around the world break the cycle of poverty and become self-sufficient, contributing members of their societies. Christel House alleviates poverty through education. Christel House builds and operates high social-impact learning centers in impoverished neighborhoods, which provide: quality education, nutritious meals, regular health care, life skills training and character development, as well as parent and community outreach. Children are taught the importance of caring, sharing and making a difference.
Indianapolis Urban League - The Indianapolis Urban League’s mission is to assist African-Americans, other minorities and disadvantaged individuals achieve social and economic equality. The Indianapolis Urban League employs a five-point strategy tailored to local needs: Education and Youth Empowerment, Economic Empowerment, Health and Quality of Life Empowerment, Civic Engagement and Leadership Empowerment, Civil Rights and Racial Justice Empowerment.
Kheprw Institute - Kheprw Institute is a community organization that works to create a more just, equitable, human-centered environmentally sustainable world. We do this by cultivating the leadership capacity of youth and young adults, engaging them in working to improve their community and supporting community empowerment.
Indianapolis Neighborhood Housing Partnership - Affordable and sustainable housing initiative. The vision of INHP is that every person in Indianapolis should have the opportunity to live in a safe, decent and affordable home in a vibrant neighborhood.
Earth Charter Indiana - Earth Charter Indiana exists to inspire and advance sustainable, just and peaceful living in Indiana by promoting the values and principles of the Earth Charter. 1. Respect and care for the community of life. 2. Ecological integrity. 3. Social and economic justice. 4. Democracy, non-violence and peace.
Indy Hunger Network - The food system that feeds the hungry is large and complex. The goal of the Indy Hunger Network is to create a system that ensures anyone who is hungry can access the nutritious food they need.
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