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Pandemic-era SNAP benefits end for millions of Americans as costs rise

Apr 15, 2023

By Nancy Chen, Kerry Breen On March 1, 2023 As pandemic-era food benefits come to an end and food costs continue to rise, many are wondering how they’ll be able to afford…

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Chronic Pain Among Adults — United States, 2019–2021

Apr 15, 2023

By Rikard SM, Strahan AE, Schmit KM, Guy GP Jr.. On April 14, 2023 Summary What is already known about this topic? An estimated 50 million adults in the United…

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Most Adults With Past-Due Medical Debt Owe Money to Hospitals

Apr 15, 2023

The Issue Nonprofit hospitals—which account for 60 percent of U.S. hospitals—must provide charity care and community benefits to maintain tax-exempt status. However, these hospitals determine their own charity care eligibility criteria…

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Does Cost-Sharing for Screening Result in Missed Cancer Diagnoses?

Apr 15, 2023

By Sara Heath On March 29, 2023 Patients facing higher cost-sharing and out-of-pocket costs for follow-up breast cancer screening do not access those procedures, research has found. March 29, 2023 – Patients…

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Severe mental illness associated with breast cancer treatment disparities

Apr 15, 2023

By Kalie VanDewater On March 27, 2023 Compared with other people with breast cancer, those with a preexisting severe mental illness were less likely to receive appropriate treatment and more…

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Five First Steps For Addressing Workplace Ageism

Apr 12, 2023

By Sheila Callaham On March 26, 2023 Ageism is discrimination against individuals or groups based on their age. When the late Dr. Robert N. Butler coined the term more than…

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Anti-age discrimination policies are failing in the workplace, says case study of UK policy

Apr 12, 2023

By University of Sheffield (U.K.) On March 22, 2023 Anti-age discrimination policies are failing in the workplace, according to new research from the University of Sheffield. The case study of U.K.…

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Series: Ryan Critique Of Poverty Programs Sparked Usual Battle Over Spending

Apr 4, 2023

By Roger Valdez On February 3, 2023 While the world was a different place in 2014 when Congressman and recent Vice-Presidential candidate Paul Ryan emerged with his analysis and critique…

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The end of a pandemic-era boost to SNAP benefits is compounding the burden low-income households already face

Apr 4, 2023

By Elizabeth Chuck and Safia Samee Ali On February 1, 2023 Eighteen states have already ended the emergency allotment of at least $95 extra a month, and the rest of…

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